I've been to this restaurant twice now and I really really wish I liked it more. The first time I got the chicken katsu-don (in the rice bowl section) and tonight I got the chicken and egg bibimbop. The chicken katsu-don was less than mediocre and the bibimbop really wasn't like any I've ever had; as far as taste goes, I'd put it at average. Ferret's bento box (spicy beef and chicken) was actually quite tasty and came with a little salad with a nice gingery dressing and some edamame and one gyoza (why just one? they couldn't put two in?). I spotted a pork and kimchee seasonal offering so I have to try it. Perhaps third time will be the charm? Otherwise I will just go for the spicy beef and chicken bento should I ever go again... Rate **
(Just a note. If it was cheaper or if the portions were more ample I would be far more inclined to like this place. As it is, I am always vaguely still hungry after.)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Tuesday Night Dinner
A Wild Sheep Chase (Haruki Murakami)
Written in 1982, this book preceded both NW and WUBC by a number of years. It reminded me of both works, as it contained fantastical elements (magical ears, magical sheep and ghosts) and a sense of isolation and dissociation on the part of the protagonist. It is more akin to WUBC than NW I guess; several elements show up again in WUBC (lost wife, sinister man, girls with special powers, unreality within reality, etc). I don't want to give anything away because this book was really fun to read and I'd hate to spoil it for someone. This book will be going into the reread rotation.
Wonky-Eyed Tony
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Enchilada Lasagna and Sunday Dinner
I am fat but happy. :o)O=
To Do List (today)
Do the not fun things from yesterday's list:
- Vacuum
- Scoop litter
- Laundry
- Make chicken cutlets with broccoli and couscous
- Knit some sweater
- Tria Sunday School (4pm)
- Watch Zoolander on TBS
- Read more Wild Sheep Chase
- Make chocolate fudge sauce
Saturday, February 23, 2008
To Do List (today)
- Go to TJ
- Make AFB (use new pudding-less recipe from King Arthur)
- Make enchiladas
- Read some Wild Sheep Chase
- Knit some sweater
- Vacuum
- Scoop litter
- Laundry
- Play cards (9pm)
- Finish watching Planet Earth disc 3
Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Fake Scallion Pancake
Cooking on the other hand, is where I give my natural slapdash tendencies free rein. And nowhere is this more apparent than this product of my recent cravings for a midnight scallion pancake. A few days ago, Ferret sparked the desire for such a pancake by offering me two freshly fried wedges. I would have been satiated except the sauce wasn't quite right - no hot chili garlic with soy sauce. So two nights ago, I was happily knitting my latest sweater (I can say latest now because I've finished my first sweater) when I suddenly realized I was starving. Hunger pangs never sneak up on me; I'm either full or I've been starving my entire life. So I threw together this above pancake more or less blindly:
Take a couple of limp scallions and slice thinly. In a soup bowl, throw some flour with some water, mixing until you get some kind of batter. Mix in a egg for good measure. Toss in scallions and stir. In favorite cast-iron pan, heat up some oil and pour in half of batter. Cross fingers. Flip and cook some more, occasionally peeking underneath to check for brownness. Hastily scoop "pancake" into that blue plate you found in a freshman dorm that year your friend was the RA. Drizzle soy sauce and add a generous dollop of chili garlic sauce. Eat like a caveman.
Technically, it is a pancake with scallions. It doesn't taste like any scallion pancake I've ever had in my life but even still, it was pretty damn good. Especially for 1am.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Bourne Ulitmatum
This movie kicked ass! I really liked the Bourne Identity when I first watched it many years ago but had been disappointed by the recent Bourne Supremacy. Mostly because:
1. The killing off of Franka Potente (I love her).
2. The interminably long and boring car chase.
3. The sudden ending of the movie.
However, the Bourne Ulimatum got everything back on track again: tying up the loose ends, pushing the story to its logical conclusion and lots of super-amazing hand combat and chases. Sadly, Julia Stiles had to make her obligatory appearance. For a while, I was really concerned that a romantic sub-plot was developing, but fear not fellow Moonface-dislikers, this did not occur. One last thing - I liked the way the story of this third installment was organized to fit snugly into the second (it'll make sense when you watch it). Rate *****
1. The killing off of Franka Potente (I love her).
2. The interminably long and boring car chase.
3. The sudden ending of the movie.
However, the Bourne Ulimatum got everything back on track again: tying up the loose ends, pushing the story to its logical conclusion and lots of super-amazing hand combat and chases. Sadly, Julia Stiles had to make her obligatory appearance. For a while, I was really concerned that a romantic sub-plot was developing, but fear not fellow Moonface-dislikers, this did not occur. One last thing - I liked the way the story of this third installment was organized to fit snugly into the second (it'll make sense when you watch it). Rate *****
I'm not going to get into this movie very much because there is just not much there. The few funny scenes mostly involved Will Smith trying to teach his hapless client, Kevin James, the ways of love. Other than that, it was a movie laden with ridiculous coincidences and embarrassing and artificial dialogue - not atypical for a romantic comedy I guess. I am figuring out from these kinds of movies that most women appear to desire long speeches, preferably taking place in public. In fact, the more public (restaurants, ballparks, busy streets, airports) the declarations of love are, the better. Despite all of this, I still found myself watching most of this movie; Will Smith is just that charming. Rate **
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Buttony Sweater
YAAAAAAAY!!! My first sweater is finally done (more or less, I still have to block it but I was too excited not to post this almost-finished version). I had to change the color of the photo to sepia b/c my camera is awful and all my pictures are coming out yellow. The sweater itself is grey (or more precisely, Bulky Peruvian Highland wool from Knitpicks in Pewter) and knitted using size 9 needles. I followed the directions from ohmystars but cast on fewer stitches (72 instead of 96) which resulted in a higher neck. Since I decreased the number of stitches cast on, I redistributed the remaining stitches to maintain the correct proportions:
Front Left (6)
Sleeve (10)
Back (20)
Sleeve (10)
Front Right (rest)
I also pretty much ran out of yarn so I made the sleeves short but that is a pretty good look for this sweater I think. Because I was extremely paranoid about the fit of the sweater, I probably tried it on far too often during the beginning stages but I think it was worth it in the end. Super flexible pattern and I'm looking forward to my next shipment of Knitpicks yarn (worsted weight, superwash merino in a pretty blue) to try this sweater again. Too bad it is currently freezing cold in Philadelphia so I can't wear this sweater around but it really turned out awesome I think.
Here is the pattern:
CO 96 sts
Row 1: Slip 1, K 5, work in 2 x 2 rib to last 6 sts, K 6
Work this row 5 times more.
Row 7: (RS) Slip 1, K 5, pm, K 13, pm, K 32, pm, K 13, pm, K to end
Row 8: (WS) Slip 1, K5, P to last 6 sts, K6
Row 9: Slip 1, (K to within 1 st of marker, M1, K2, M1) to end
Row 10: as row 8
Every 10th row (RS) work a buttonhole as folls: Work as Row 9 to last 6 sts, K3, yo, k2tog, K to end
Rep rows 9-10 until the sweater fits around the chest and under arms (to try, put front, back and sleeves on separate holders or waste yarn).
Knit left front, back and right front onto one needle and work flat and even (keeping garter st border and buttonholes correct) until you've made 10 buttonholes (work should meas about 14" from underarm). You can add some waist shaping into the sides if you like a snugger fit. Work in 2x2 rib for 4", keeping garter st edge correct and adding two more buttonholes. BO loosely.
Knit sleeves in round, decreasing 2 sts (k2tog, k2, ssk) at underarm seam every 8 rows. finish off with 4" of 2x2 rib and BO.
Block and sew on 12 large buttons.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Asparagus with Sweet Mayonnaise
Take one entire bunch of asparagus and snap off the tough ends. Bring some water to boil in the frying pan and toss them in (water should be just deep enough to barely cover asparagus). After the water comes to a boil again, stab a stray unlucky asparagus with a fork to test for tenderness. Urgently fish them out with a pair of tongs lest they overcook. In the meantime, scoop a dollop of mayonnaise from the jar and mix with some white sugar (eyeball). Taste and add more sugar or mayonnaise until it tastes right. Enjoy while piping hot! Likely will not use all of the mayonnaise mix.
Kerry Wings
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
3:10 to Yuma
After a happy night of eating chili hot dogs (courtesy of me), Ferret, Algy and I watched 3:10 to Yuma. We had intended to watch Shoot 'Em Up for awesomeness sake, but Ferret's dvd was messed up so we picked this other movie because we were all fond of Christian Bale. Ferret and Algy thought the movie was slow, unrealistic (because Westerns and movies in general have to be realistic now I guess) and peppered with bad dialogue, but I enjoyed it. I thought the acting was great; Christian Bale can say nothing and be gaunt like no one else can and I thought Russell Crowe was awfully charming and I don't even really like him in general. What small bits of plot there was unfolded in an interesting way and even if the ending was a little silly it still worked with the overall drama. Rate ***
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Amish Friendship Bread
This recipe (and a starter) was given to me by friend Poodle. I've adapted it so you don't have to be exponentially creating starters to give away. This recipe will give you one starter to bake with at day 10 and one starter to keep going with. After some googling, it seems like starters freeze well too should one become sick of baking bread. Just let it thaw out to room temperature (~3 hours) before using.
Do not use metal utensils or bowls (stainless steel is ok), do not refrigerate.
Day 1: Do nothing
Day 2: Mash the bag
Day 3: Mash the bag
Day 4: Mash the bag
Day 5: Mash the bag
Day 6: Add to the bag: 1/4c of each (flour, sugar, whole milk). Mash the bag
Day 7: Mash the bag
Day 8: Mash the bag
Day 9: Mash the bag
Day 10: Pour starter into non-metal bowl. Add 1/2 cups of each (flour, sugar, whole milk). Measure 1 cup for baking with and 1 cup to keep going with. (This is considered day 1)
Preheat oven to 325 F
To the starter add:
3 eggs
1/2 c sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 c flour
1 c oil
1/2 c milk
1 large box (6 servings) instant pudding mix
Grease two loaf pans. Pour batter in. Bake for 1 hour until toothpick comes out clean. Cool around 10 minutes until bread loosens evenly from sides of pan. Turn bread onto serving dish.
I've only made chocolate so far and it is extremely delicious. The bread comes out very moist and cakey. Poodle has also used lemon pudding with lovely results and my favorite - vanilla with almond extract (1/2-1 tsp) and some vanilla powder (1 tsp?) and walnuts.
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