Prawn Crackers
One package of prawn crackers from your neighborhood Asian store
A bunch of vegetable oil in a little pot
Heat oil, add a drop of water to check the temperature. If the drop dances, break off a little piece of chip and drop it in. This is your test cracker. You'll probably have to go through a few crackers before the oil is hot enough for you to start frying the big pieces. When the hard little chip starts to poof out and float to the top, quickly snag it with a pair of tongs and move it to a plate. When the oil gets hot this will happen almost instantly after you drop in a chip. Move fast! And be careful of the oil. Make a giant pile and don't share.
at first glance, this looked like a large mound of raw chicken breasts. then i realized what they were and my mouth started watering. i haven't had these in so long!!! mmmm